Unlock Valorant Success: a Guide for Beginners to Master Omens and Killjoy

Valorant is a game with many agents. Choosing one right agent is challenging. But there are a lot of guides and other things you can choose as agents and learn to play it at a high level of help.

It is particularly difficult for beginners to decide a role. That’s why value-added services like Skycoach are becoming more and more popular. This is a good opportunity to let you know what to start with and how to be a hero correctly at the beginning of the game.

Professional players provide services such as upgrading, completing complex content and purchasing in-game currency. There is also a great demand for coaching services-for players who like to complete tasks entirely on their own but need advice and guidance or valuable knowledge about the mechanism of the game. This service can save players time and energy, give them prizes and upgrade characters faster. These services are safe and legal, if you use the help of respected big companies instead of personal promoters.

If you are a beginner, let’s see which two agents are the easiest to play Valorant.


Omen is a gloomy controller. His design sound and ability are so similar to death in Watchman that you want to buy him one Among heroic knights, Omen is especially good at terrain control and raids.

  • Dark Shroud is the signature ability of Omen and the best smoke in the game. Using this skill requires practice: During this time, the omen will float above the map under the ghost and aim If you put the ball at a height, it will slowly descend until it falls to the ground, allowing you to surprise your opponents by activating the dark shroud above their heads.
  • Paranoia is a huge flash drive that can go straight through a wall to limit the view of any agent it hits.
  • Hidden Step is a short-range teleport reminiscent of the similar skill of Reaper in Overwatch, but the distance is much smaller It allows you to occupy a high ground or go to your dark bunker.
  • From the shadows, Global Teleport is the ultimate power of Omen, but it is not easy to use. The enemy will be told that the enemy’s Omen is being teleported, but their minimap will be covered with darkness. A shadow will appear at the point of arrival, and the opponent can immediately kill it and teleport it. This ability combines well with dark cover.

Another useful feature for beginners is to use shadows to safely pick up spikes dropped by killed allies. To do this, you need to use your ult directly on the spike (fortunately its location is shown on the map) and cancel it immediately: the shadow will pick up the bomb in front of the surprised opponent and bring it into your hands.


Which role-playing shooter game is complete without a skilled engineer and her turret? The killjoy is the easiest sentry character to learn in Valorant. She is not very popular at the higher levels of the game, but it is a good idea to use her while gradually learning from other defenders.

  • The Hive is a wet blanket. It will release a group of aggressive nanobots, which need to be activated manually once they are discarded. The Hive matches the other abilities of the clever German.
  • Alarm bot is a kind of alarm installed on the ground, which will automatically start when the enemy appears nearby. The alarm bot attacks the approaching enemy and exerts a fragile effect on him. Fortunately, the killjoy or her ally arrived in time to deal with him easily. Even if the bot is destroyed, you will receive a notice.
  • Killjoy’s signature ability is the same as all other turrets in the RPG shooter game: automatically attack enemies in its field of vision and send out loud notifications of the enemy’s appearance. Unlike Torbjorn’s Turret in Vanguard or the Engineer in Legion Fortress 2, Killjoy Turret does not deal much damage and has a low health value, so you can’t use it as the main way to kill enemies.
  • Block is the most powerful ultimate skill of territory control. Because this ability team especially likes Killjoy in Valorant. You install a generator to create a huge spherical field and start the countdown. All opponents who do not leave the field before the generator is activated will be slowed down and unable to attack or use skills, which makes them easy targets to attack. The generator can be destroyed, so keep it out of sight of the enemy: around the corner crate or in the Allied smoke.

Killer is one of the most suitable agents for newcomers in Valorant and the best guardian for newcomers.

Of course, in Valorant the choice of agent should not only be based on general characteristics. You need to know what kind of play you like, so try something new and find something that suits you.